
'LICKS' follows the story of a young man, D, as he returns to his Oakland neighborhood after two years served in prison for a botched robbery. In the...

Starring: Stanley Doe Hunt, Koran Streets, Les Aderibigbe, Devon Libran, Tatiana Monet, Bennie Bell, Thomas Dalby, Theresa Anderson Downs, Skipper Elekwachi, Sabrina Hodge, Dominique Jackson, Kizzmett Pringle, William Pulliam, Jon Jerrell Stallings, Jonathon Jerrell-Yasir Stallings
Genre: Drama
Countries: USA
Directors: Jonathan Singer-Vine
Release Date: February 02, 2016
Runtime: 1h 53min
IMDb Rating: Licks (2016) on IMDb

3.67/5 - (3 Votes)

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