
This biographical film, based on the life of French artist Paul Gauguin (Donald Sutherland), follows the painter as he returns to Paris after a long...

Starring: Anders Hove, Bill Dunn, Charlotte Sieling, Donald Sutherland, Erik Holmey, Fanny Bastien, Ghita Nørby, Henrik Larsen, Hugo Øster Bendtsen, Jørgen Reenberg, Jørn Faurschou, Jean Yanne, Jean-Claude Flamand, John Hahn-Petersen, Laura Kamis Wrang, Luis Rego, Max von Sydow, Merete Voldstedlund, Morten Grunwald, Sofie Gråbøl, Sol
Genre: Drama, Biography
Countries: Denmark, France
Directors: Henning Carlsen
Release Date: September 05, 1986
IMDb Rating: Oviri (1986) on IMDb

3.17/5 - (6 Votes)

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